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Leadership by Design

Our practice of leadership is unique to who we are.

It is like art. It informs how we choose to show up for others and ourselves. It keeps us aligned and focused on what matters as we move beyond the doing, developing a way of being.

We intend to curate meaningful, focused and purposeful sessions. Each session is designed to meet the specific needs and intended outcomes of the team, or organization.

Custom design includes:

  • Supporting personal and team leadership development

  • Establishing team and organizational protocols and agreements

  • Developing strategies and skills for effective dialogue and communication

  • Using psychometric assessments to leverage capacity and strategic focus (Individual and team assessments using Lumina Spark)

  • Leadership retreats

  • Educational processes to support curriculum design and programming

  • Somatic exploration of leadership practice


Please connect to explore how we might be able to design an experience to best serve you and your organization’s needs.